You are the victor!

Definition of victim: one that is acted on and usually adversely affected by a force or agent

Definition of victor: one that defeats an enemy or opponent

Do you notice that victim is "acted on" and victor is "one that defeats"?

One is active and one is passive.

One has had something happen to them and the other is taking action. Perhaps therein lies the very difference between victor and victim......what we do or don't do with what happens to us. If you find yourself feeling like or even describing yourself as a victim, try taking action and see where that leads you.

Many things happen to us throughout the course of our lives. People hurt us, they leave us, they disappoint us. What matters most is how we respond. Do we let our heartaches become something that adversely affects us or do we rise up to defeat the discouragement of our disappointment? It isn't the people or circumstance that is our enemy, but rather the temptation for resignation and defeat.

Make a decision today. Take a stand for your future. Commit that you will take an action, and another action, and another until you have defeated the enemy of your peace.

Not sure where to start? Get daily encouragement and support with our 30 day Roadmap to Restoration program! Daily nuggets of wisdom and encouragement sent directly to your phone.

Much Love,


Kelli Nielsen