Support vs. Rehabilitation

I want to talk to you today about the difference between support and rehabilitation.  They are actually two different things and serve two different purposes. 

Support is designed to "uphold" something that has been damaged or broken, or to add strength to an existing structure. Think of crutches when someone breaks their ankle, or the support beams that hold up a bridge or building.  Support is there to protect what has been broken or to lend strength where it is lacking. 

Rehabilitation is the process of restoring strength or the original design. Think of rehabbing a house or a painting, it is the process of repairing the damage and revealing its previous splendor. 

Both support and rehabilitation are needed when you are facing grief.  You need someone to help hold you up in the have experienced an injury and parts of you are now broken. 

At some point, and only you know when, you need to begin the process of rehabilitation.  You need to engage the broken parts and get them to work again.  

One of the reasons people get stuck in grief is that they seek out support but never embrace rehabilitation. 

Support will keep you on crutches for your life, always pointing to the broken bone in your body and never putting any weight on it for fear of the pain it will cause.  While support is necessary, it is not designed to be your destination.  

Rehabilitation forces you to being using the broken parts and to rebuild and reshape the muscles, ligaments, and tendons around the affected area.  While it is painful, it is an important part of the healing process. 

Here at The Grief Guru, we are in the grief rehabilitation business. We assist you in the painful work of facing your grief and rebuilding your heart, body, and mind after loss. 

It's not instant, and it's not easy, but it is possible and it is worth it!

Here's to your healing!

Much Love, 