The 4 Phases of Peace

The 4 Phases of Peace

Peace is an interesting thing. People pray for it.  Beauty contestants ask for it. Wars are fought over it. Personally we all try to acquire as much of it as possible, yet it eludes so many of us. 

People lose their minds over traffic, the weather, sporting events, politics and so much more on a daily basis. Then there are those seasons in life when peace seems no where to be found.  When loss or heartache steal the hope for peace in our hearts.  What do we do in those times?  Can we wish or pray for peace? Is it a skill that we can acquire? If so, who is the teacher? 

In my experience peace doesn't happen all at once, and I certainly don't claim to walk in it anywhere near 100% of the time but I am learning to keep more and more of it these days.  I have experienced 4 different phases of peace and I would like to share with you lessons from each phase to hopefully shorten your learning curve at my expense. 

Phase 1
No peace. In this phase you DO NOT have peace. Whatever you are facing is larger than life and it is robbing you of peace, joy, and the ability to make clear and sound decisions.  This phase can be overwhelming and debilitating.  Chances are, if you find yourself in this phase, it's either because this is the first time you are facing something huge or because you are in the aftershock of facing the storm.  Don't worry, this is not our destination.  If you find yourself stuck in Phase 1.....keep reading!  We aren't meant to live here. 

Phase 2
Chasing Peace.  In this phase you have learned how to deal with whatever life is throwing at you in the moment and have learned how to keep moving forward despite the drama. You are doing all the things you know to do in order to get the result you are looking for. The good news is are moving forward and taking steps, the bad news is you are most likely growing accustomed or even familiar with storms by this point.  At this phase in the game you can not only navigate through life's storms but you almost do better in the middle of a storm.  People comment about how "strong" you are and you find some comfort in knowing that you are capable to shoulder the weight of it all.  Getting stuck in this phase can actually be more dangerous than staying in phase 1 because you have the illusion that you are handling things.  It will look like you have a measure of peace because you are not curled up in the fetal position in the corner waiting for it to be over.  No, you are doing, You are moving.  You are taking charge and fighting back.  Good for you. But is there peace?  I can speak very knowledgeably about this phase because I LIVED here for many years.  In fact, it was only recently that I began to step into the next phase.  See I allowed my identity to get wrapped up in being strong and surviving the storm.  I am the grief guru after all and have seen my fair share of heartache.  But this is not what God has for us.  He does not want us to be able to be productive in the storm. He wants us to have and release His peace.  So onto the next phase we go......

Phase 3
Receiving peace.  Peace is not a skill to be gained but rather a gift to be received.  You cannot earn or learn to have peace, rather it is given freely from the prince of peace Himself.  There is a order to receive His peace, you need to lay down a bunch of other stuff that is holding you back.  You must lay down your need for control, unforgiveness, victim mentality, and your need to know the outcome.  If you will trust Him with your storm, He will give you peace in the midst.  I'm talking illogical, supernatural, feel it in your toes peace.  Peace that isn't based on information and seems to defy the natural order of things.  Peace that isn't established on performance or even outcomes.  That peace is available to us all.  I have tasted it and I want more. It is important for us to be able to receive peace not just for ourselves but it is actually our way out of the storm.  

Phase 4
Releasing peace.  Once you have received peace you are able to release it over any storm in your life. You cannot release that which you do not possess.  So you can attempt to release peace in your household, over your storm, in your circumstances, but if you do not possess it to begin with, it will have little to no effect. This is a lesson that I am just now learning.  I realized that I have been partnering with chaos for so long in my life that I was actually unknowingly giving it permission to rule and reign over me.  I got my identity and worth from being the person who can "survive" the storm and I began to expect and even create storms so I would have something to survive.  The Lord was gracious to show this to me and allow me to experience His peace.  My part of the equation is to not go back to chaos. To guard my peace and allow peace to be my overseer.  Peace makes my decisions.  Peace has the final say in which way I go.  It's an entirely different way of living.  I have just started being able to release peace over my house, relationships, circumstances,and even my own physical body and the impact is profound! 

So I want to encourage you, whatever phase you find yourself in.....KEEP GOING!  Press in for more peace. Ask the one who gives it freely and get filled up with peace.  Then go out and release it in the world! Release it in your workplace.  Release it on the highways.  Release it in our schools and hospitals.  The world is starving for peace and we can be the ones to help bring it to them. 

Until next time. 

Much Love,